My life has never been so busy, so hurried, so stressed. Day after day I long for peace. I ache for rest. I cry out for stillness and silence.
Yet, it eludes me.
And with each passing day the fanciful idea of having "nothing" to do seems further and further away until I know I will never have it. Have you been there? Does your "To do" list seem never ending?
Although I love living in this day of high tech gadgetry and instantaneous communication, I often wonder what it would be like to have to wait for a letter or a phone call on a land line. (Gasp!)
Would I actually enjoy being outside without carrying around a cell phone? Could I manage to sit still and be quiet without something constantly interrupting me? (Doubtful.)
What do you think about when you have no music, when you hear no talking, when there are no written words on a page? Does it make you uncomfortable? Sadly, it does me.
But I know my God, who created all things for His purpose wants more for me than this frantic lifestyle I'm drowning in. He asks me to cast all my cares upon Him, because He cares for me.
So today I will lay aside every burden that so easily besets me. I will focus on the things that are important and let go of the things that are not. I will see clearly through the haze of the hurried, past the "pressing" to the "permanent" and I will breathe deeply the sweet fragrance of life while it is still yet to be found.
"Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." Proverbs 27:1