Thursday, May 26, 2011

In All Things...

I look across the living room at my 16-year-old sitting on the couch and wonder what my life would be like without him. I can not imagine it...I turn my attention back to a sobbing daddy on the television telling rescuers how much he appreciated them tirelessly searching for his missing three-year-old son. His, "Little Buddy," was found, but there was no life left in him. The tornado that demolished his house, killed his 16-month-old little brother and critically injured his mother and sister...had claimed another tiny soul...I feel so angry, I want to question God and ask why horrible things happen to good people, but heart can only praise Him for His goodness and protection...for me...and my baby.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Yes, it wrenches my heart to see the devastation in that family. What is a house or car or Grandma's silver in comparison to holding those we love.
